Fastest and cheapest electrical services in the Sherman Oaks area!
Electrical Installation

Quality Electrical Installation & Wiring Services

Use our Sherman Oaks electricians to install light switches, outdoor lighting fixtures, fuse boxes, and more.

Electrical Installation

Low Cost Electrical Installation Nearby Sherman Oaks CA

There are some modern conveniences that we take for granted until they stop being there for us. Electrical installation is exactly such a thing! A problem with your fuses or circuit breakers can mean no more lights, refrigeration, or air conditioning. If your electrical installation problem is serious enough, it can even lead to surges and dangerous fire hazards. Luckily, a team of experienced Sherman Oaks electricians is just a phone call away, offering their services at prices any homeowner can afford!

Lighting Installation And Maintenance

Built-in electric lights are simple devices, but a problem with the switch or circuit that feeds them can mean darkness. Our electricians perform lighting installation for new or remodeled buildings as well as diagnosis and repair services. We'll extend circuits as needed to bring the light wherever you need it, and replace dangerously old or damaged wiring. New light fixtures are just part and parcel of basic electrical installation.

Light Switches, Dimmers, And Electrical Outlets

Most of your direct interaction with your home or business electrical system is through these. Light switches, central heating/AC controls, and electrical outlets are on the walls over live circuits that lead to their controlled devices. Want to replace your light switch with a dimmer? Easy! How about switches or dimmers for a new room along with the lighting installation? All part of the process! If you have an electrical outlet not working or causing circuit breakers to activate, our electricians can handle that too.

Electrical Fuse Boxes And Circuit Breakers

The center of your household power system, and one of the most common electrical installation jobs. Electrical panels, also called fuse boxes or distribution boards, take the energy from the power line outside and split it between the indoor circuits. Each of those circuits has a switch or circuit breaker, that lets you shut it off. They're also designed to shut off automatically if there's a surge or an overdraw in the wiring, to prevent short circuits and fires. Stuck fuses and worn-out boards are an accident waiting to happen. If there's anything wrong with yours, get some electrical installation experts over ASAP.

Electrical Installation For Sherman Oaks New And Remodeled Buildings

New construction means you'll need professionals to carry out the proper electrical installation. Our Sherman Oaks electricians can put in your first electrical panel and lay the circuits, to begin with! Decide where you want the light fixtures, outlets, and switches, and we'll lay the wiring as needed. If you're remodeling or adding to a building, replacing the electrical installation or adding a new circuit might be necessary. We'll find the most efficient way to power everything! If you've had fire or water damage to the building, you might also want our electricians to have a look at the nearby circuits. If the insulation is coming off, we'll need to replace it to prevent fire hazards.

Smoke Detectors And Fire Alarms

There's a reason the LA County fire code is so strict! In our climate, fires can spread from one building to its neighbors before anyone reacts. Keeping your insulation and circuit breakers in shape is one important electrical installation measure against fire. Another is your system of smoke detectors and fire alarm. Like lighting, smoke detectors are connected to the building's electrical installation. Test your detectors every year, and call some electricians on the double if one isn't working!

Don't Forget Carbon Monoxide Detectors

If you use gas in your building, you should have carbon monoxide detectors installed. This gas is undetectable to the human eye and nose, and it can build up over time until reaching dangerous levels. Children are the most vulnerable, so if you have kids around you should be extra sure your detectors are up and running!

Fastest Electrical Installation Services In Sherman Oaks

Leave all installation work to the nearest professional electricians in your area to ensure it’s done safely. With reliable contractors from Sherman Oaks 24h Electricians available seven days a week, you can get a free estimate on any service you need. From adding light switches to different rooms to installing electrical outlets, outdoor lighting fixtures, and fuse boxes. If you have a situation that needs professional electrical installation, get in touch with us to have it handled expertly at an affordable cost.


Need electrical services for a residential or commercial property in the Sherman Oaks area? Leave your contact info below and we’ll get in touch with you to schedule the service you need.


From electrical repairs to lighting installation, we’re the Sherman Oaks technicians to contact for help of any kind with these issues and projects. Electrical services range from minor troubleshooting electrical panel problems to installing new infrastructure and even exterior lighting. Any electrical contractor work you need done you can turn to us for.

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May 19, 2024
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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